Each act of terrorism on American soil inspires more such attacks. As you read this, countless plots are being hatched, and exhaustive training is being conducted. Will your department be ready when terrorists strike your town? If you’re not sure … you’re probably not ready. PR Tactical Corporation is ready to train your personnel to meet the challenge. IED’s are cheap and easy to make. They will be used in your city as they have been on the battlefields of the Middle East. The RPG is a standard issue weapon for terrorists and rogue states. RPGs may find there way to the streets of America, and the PR-PYRO™ RPG simulator will help you train to defeat them. The online Al-Qaeda magazine “Inspire” has one purpose: the radicalization of disgruntled misfits with the aim of killing Americans and destroying Western culture from within. Even so-called “lone wolf” terrorists get their inspiration and training from international radicals.
Public Safety Agencies & Training Information
PR Tactical Corporation’s comprehensive training includes customized training modules specifically tailored to compliment the products in your training arsenal and the level of experience of your trainers. Our factory approved training includes classroom training, field training and ongoing consulting to keep your trainers updated on the latest developments in pyrotechnic training aids.
Our focus is on safety and on producing realistic scenarios that will prepare your trainees for real-life situations.
We conduct our hands-on training at your facilities so you can maximize the benefits.

A US Navy veteran, Mr. Laughlin is a certified NRA firearms instructor, commercial pilot, and officer in the US Civil Air Patrol. He conducts factory authorized training classes and product demonstrations for PR Tactical at the consumer’s venue. He is also responsible for sales and purchasing.
Perry Sable is a certified Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) Trainer.
Due to the unique nature of force-on-force exercises, factory authorized training is strongly recommended to all first time users, regardless of their skill level with explosives or demolition.
A full day of training consists of product familiarization, handling, preparation and firing of all PR-Pyro™ Munitions using PR firing systems. The cost of the course is $895 per person which includes the pyrotechnics used in class. The training courses are conducted at your venue.